TedXPermaQueer: Cultural Responses to Climate Change
Indigenous Innovation
Listening and learning from First Nations People.
What can an intersectional, environmental approach look like within the permaculture movement? Elizabeth Couse talks about her experience in permaculture and what prompted her to start 'Liberation Permaculture'.
Tavale discusses the importance of awakening cultural dignity and how we cannot truly meet the other with dignity if we do not know ourselves and our cultural story first
Challenging whiteness from within
White supremacy has a stranglehold on our cultures, our economies and our futures. What does it mean to challenge, examine and try to dismantle this when the call is coming from inside the house?
The pillar of inter-cultural relating is knowing where we are coming from. We must must be aware of what we're bringing to the table, this session unpacks the system of white privilege, fragility and trauma that exists within western culture
Queer Solutions for Wicked Problems
Queer people have always been at odds with a society wishing to make them invisible, people forced to the fringes though have leading in innovation always. words words words (review)
Hanna Breckbill takes the time to explore and reflect on her work in creating alternative models of land stewardship and living, worker owned economies through a queer lens.
What are the deep wells we can draw from? The cultural tales and stories that can guide our path. Ritually holding space for the sacred and important parts of our lives is key to cultural practice. The delight of ceremony and a dawning of new ways of knowing & being may just be delicious!
Claudiu discusses his process on helping establish SanQtuary, a Queer healing sanctuary in Goa, India on the principles of permaculture with a love for queer culture and healing.
Getting it Done
What can we learn from people who are actively getting involved, getting uncomfortable and stepping into the spaces where change happens?
Lucy O’Hagan discuses the work of her organisation Wild Awake and the importance of coming to ecological restoration through restoration of cultural practices in Ireland.
In this talk Gregg discusses the concept of Vā from his Samoan heritage and the concept of "Teu Le Vā" or to make beautiful the space within and how this can shift our relationship and understanding of each other and to our culture.
The process of unlearning, of unpacking and of transforming is a truly vulnerable one. Many of our behaviours, beliefs and values come from unhelpful societal norms, power structures, traumas and binaries act as barriers to us overcoming societal problems.
Relationship to landscape is the core of what climate change is about, Serenity speaks to a more pragmatic invisible structure that impacts the culture of how we relate to. a landscape, legal structures and governance.
Jessica Hutchings discusses her work in Hua parakore, a kaupapa Māori (Indigenous) system and framework for growing kai (product and food)) developed by Te Waka Kai Ora (National Maori Organics Authority.
Ilona talks about the complexity of being an Indigenous Melanesian woman in an international climate NGO, a space not built for her but crucial to be within given the impact of climate on her community.
Landscapes: Inwards and Outwards
What can food sovereignty for Pacific islanders and BIPOC communities in the Pacific Northwest look like? Heifara Wheeler talks about his work in growing culturally appropriate food
Cultural Integrity
Learning to listen deeply requires us to understand ourselves deeply. How can we pursue right relationship with ourselves, others and the queer intersection where our two cultures meet? These first nations speakers have some great things to say about this work.
How do we firstly relate and understand our own cultural worldview and secondly collaborate or work with someone from a vastly different culture?
Toad interrogates white supremacy through the lens of permaculture and systems thinking to understand how white supremacy can kneecap white people's capacity for community, accountability and intercultural relating and more importantly how the dismantling of it can deeply benefit white people as well
Laresa generously shares her award winning short film "Radical Acts" and discusses her experience as an activist within Extinction Rebellion.
What can we change internally and relationally lest we repeat the same mistakes as our ancestors
Lyle Makepeace talks about their work in activism and the creative responses guided by cultural identity and the use of pop culture trends.